Idaho Seal Coating

Asphalt maintenance contractors as well as property owners, property managers, and the general public all know the importance of having an aesthetically pleasing parking lot or driveway. The pavement is the first and last thing they see as they are entering and leaving a property. This is why it is so important to be on a routine preventative maintenance program. This will help to maintain the value of your property, as well as to extend the life of the pavement and saving thousands of dollars. Idaho seal coating costs pennies per square foot and replacing asphalt costs dollars per square foot. Pavement that has not been sealed over time will become oxidized, brittle and dried out allowing moisture to penetrate the pavement. Water penetration will rapidly deteriorate the pavement. In a cold climate, as water freezes within the pavement, it expands, causing pieces of the aggregate to break apart. Seal coating reduces these effects by waterproofing the pavement.

Seal coat fills voids in the surfaces, thus making it much smoother. A smooth surface is easier to clean, making parking lot sweeping more effective. A smoother surface also aids in water flowing off of the pavement, as well as making snow removal easier. In sunlight, a dark black sealed pavement will reach a higher temperature than an oxidized gray pavement; this will result in snow melting faster and moisture evaporating quicker.


All patchwork and crack repair must be done prior to seal coating. Cleaning and preparation are critical. Depending on the condition and how dirty the pavement is, a variety of cleaning methods and equipment that may be used. Typically, the pavement is cleaned with a very aggressive power broom, followed by an air vacuum sweeper. Then finally highly trained and skilled personnel go across the entire pavement with hand wire brooms and large walk behind blowers to ensure the pavement is completely free from all dirt, dust, and debris. In some cases, a tack coat may be required before the pavement is ready for the seal coat.


There are many methods of applying the seal coat. A method used for one surface may not be right for another. We evaluate each project to properly determine which method best fits that surface. For example, a really rough pavement may need two coats applied by squeegee; where as a smooth pavement may only require one coat spray application. Yet another may require the first coat applied by squeegee and the second coat sprayed. Note, too much sealer especially on newer pavement can be worse than not enough. Also, not enough in high traffic areas can result in sealer wearing off prematurely. We encourage you to have us evaluate your project and determine which method best fits your pavement.

Remember all sealers are not the same. We have tried and tested many brands over the years. We use Pitch Black® Asphalt Emulsion, which we feel is the best performing, highest quality, sealer available.

Newly sealed pavement should have no traffic for a minimum 24 hours. However, we realize this is not feasible in some cases. We strive to minimize the impact on businesses during a maintenance project. Our estimating and project management personnel would be happy to meet with you and go over your next asphalt maintenance project.


Sealcoat Distributing is an affiliate company of Klingler Asphalt Maintenance and an exclusive provider in Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming for Pitch Black® seal coat. There are several Pitch Black® manufacturers throughout the United States, resulting in the product being tried and tested in every climate including Alaska. The Pitch Black® Asphalt Emulsion formula was engineered and developed in the early 1980s. The owners of the formula have been in the asphalt rehabilitation and repair industry for three generations. With hundreds of millions of square feet of pavement being sealed with Pitch Black® every year, it’s no wonder it’s one of the most sought after, respected and well-protected formulas in the industry today. Pitch Black® can be applied on any asphalt surface including driveways, parking lots, shopping centers, malls, school playgrounds, airports, etc. It’s asbestos-free, contains no carcinogenic materials and is non-flammable. Pitch Black® is environmentally friendly and is the perfect solution to any residential, commercial or industrial asphalt project.